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Do you have an ice cream? 🍨

記得是將近兩年前的秋天(Fall 2022),那是我在紐約公校系統第一次教3歲幼幼班。每天的下午12:15分,孩子們剛剛午覺睡醒,也就是我匆匆吃完午餐,急忙從三樓音樂教室下到一樓的幼幼班教室,準時開始給他們賣力唱跳和搞笑的時刻~ 我會先幫忙把他們的午覺床組搬到窗邊疊好,然後開始上課。

每天我到教室後,都會有一個可愛小男孩興沖沖地跑來問我: “Ms. Huang, do you have an ice cream?” 我一開始搞不清楚他為什麼會問我有關冰淇淋的問題,事實上,這句話是有點含糊不清的,因為男孩萌萌的奶音,讓我聽得不是很清楚,後來過了幾天,我終於明白他的意思了!他是想問我: “Do you have a nice dream?” 🛌


I vividly remember it was almost two years ago in the fall (Fall 2022) when I first taught a class of 3-year-olds in the New York public school system. Every day at 12:15 PM, the start time of my period 6 class, the children would just wake up from their naps. This was also when I usually hurriedly finished my lunch and rushed from the 3rd-floor music room to their homeroom on the first floor to start our fun and energetic music class. I would first help move their nap cots to the side by the window and then begin the class.

When I arrived, a cute little boy would excitedly run up to me and ask with his unclear but adorable baby voice, “Ms. Huang, do you have an ice cream?” At first, I was confused about why he was asking about ice cream. After a few days, I finally realized what he meant! He was asking, “Do you have a nice dream?” 🛌

I couldn’t help but smile because the innocent child thought I was as lucky as they were and had nap time at school!

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