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First Day Vibes: Here’s to the 2024-2025 School Year!

Cheers to a New School Year! 2024-2025


  • 把教室桌椅、樂器排放整齊
  • 走廊佈告欄換新顏色的壁紙
  • 更新教學行事曆 (一週教29堂課!共21個班級,500+個學生)
  • 開始建立高年級學生的Google Classroom
  • 設立新一學年教室規則和常規活動
  • 規劃學年音樂表演和校外教學活動
  • 其他種種……


Summer break is officially over! Time to kick off the new school year in full music teacher mode!

✅ Organizing desks, chairs, and instruments in the classroom
✅ Fresh new colors for the hallway bulletin board
✅ Updating the teaching schedule (29 classes a week, 21 classes, over 500 students!)
✅ Setting up Google Classroom for upper grades
✅ Establishing new classroom rules and routines
✅ Planning music performances and field trips for the year

And so much more… Let’s do this! Here’s to an amazing year ahead! 🎶✨

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