今年四月八日很榮幸被邀請到紐約大學的DCLT (Developing Chinese Language Teachers) 的春季論壇去分享如何運用音樂,科技和藝術在對外漢語的課堂中。這個論壇通常包含了還在紐約大學唸書的語言教學相關大學生/研究生,也會有不少在職進修的中文或其他外語老師來。最喜歡的部分之一便是講演過後的晚飯時間,因為論壇總是提供了可口的四川菜讓來參加的教師和學生可以盡興地邊吃邊進行會後交流!
I was very honored to be invited as the presenter of the NYU DCLT spring forum on April 8, 2016. My topic is “Integrating Music, Arts, and Technology to create Joyful Language Learning in the Chinese Classroom.” A lot of the art & digital projects and music related learning activities, including the new song I composed, were introduced in the presentation. I am glad to receive many positive feedback from the workshop participants. It was also very nice networking with other teaching fellows during the post-forum dinner time, where the delicious Sichuan food was served!