Announcement: I’ve just uploaded my 11th video on my YouTube Channel!
I sorted the videos into different playlist: Chinese Classroom, Chinese Pronunciation Practice, Learn Zhuyin & Pinyin, Chinese Listening Fun, and Weekend Events. It’s so fun and meaningful for me to make videos that can help language teachers or parents who want to teach their children Mandarin Chinese!
很開心在這裡宣布: 我開設了一個YouTube頻道來專門集合各個適合中文華語教學的視頻!有些是創作,有些是適合中文教師在教室裡進行教學能夠使用的活動視頻,還有包含在紐約假日親子活動的剪輯影片。希望大家會喜歡,也歡迎給我建議,讓我能夠日後做出更精緻的視頻。