On 2/11/2018, I took two kids and their good friends to see the second show of “Broadway Playhouse” series in Merkin Concert Hall, which is located on 67th Street, one block away from Lincoln Center. This series of children-friendly and educational concerts are designed for kids who are interested in broadway musical songs or just music lovers! The audience had the chance to know about the great musical composer Jerry Herman’s life story and well-known/successful songs. In the second part of the program, a couple of lucky kids were invited to the stage and acted our some lines with musicians! Very great show and I recommend it to all the parents or kids who love musicals!
在相隔中心林肯中心僅一條街之處 – 67街 (Broadway 和 Amsterdam Ave.之間),有個Kaufman Music Center, 建築物內有表演廳Merkin Concert Hall, 也有紐約市規模最大的Community Music School – Lucy Moses School, 裡面更暗藏了紐約市唯一一間給Music Gifted Children讀的特殊公立學校-PS 859 Special Music School. 當年我念研究所的時後,其中有半年就是來到這裏做教育實習呢!
這一天(2/11)帶孩子和朋友們來Kaufan Concert Hall 聽他們的這一季Broadway Playhouse系列之二 Jerry Herman (“Hello, Dolly”)。
這系列的表演是特別為了教育孩子們欣賞百老匯音樂劇所設計的音樂會。以旁白說故事的方式,配合幽默的劇情,演出Jerry Herman 從小展露出對音樂的喜好, 不斷地努力, 以及長大後從默默無名和經歷挫折,到終於成名的故事。最後,還現場抽出幾位幸運的孩子們上台跟他們一起互動,演戲以及唱上幾句簡單台詞! (音樂會前可以在大廳裡把自己名字寫上,丟到抽獎盒裡)。
會後,女兒和朋友也留下來跟其中幾位演出音樂家拍照。很可惜沒機會跟導演/製作人的Sean Hartley照到相和打招呼,因為以前念研究所時,曾經長期旁聽他以達克羅士教學法所教的幼兒音樂課,受益良多。Sean除了是專業歌唱家外,也是位非常優秀的音樂教育者!
[wpvideo XZoUlKyU]
以下連結是Broadway Playhouse系列三場演出的訊息:
對了,如果有對Musical Theater Camp有興趣的家長,可以為孩子報名參加他們在七月舉辦的音樂劇夏令營喔!