This youtube playlist contains a couple of classical American storybooks (translated in traditional or simplified Chinese version), such as “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?”, “Olivia”, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, and “First the Eggs.” All these American stories are narrated in Mandarin Chinese.
These videos are created by the Chinese learning materials and programs publisher “Better Chinese” and this Chinese Storybook club playlist is listed in their Youtube Channel – Better Chinese TV.
最近在學校裡教學生故事時,意外發現了這個故事頻道。雖然故事數量不多,甚至裡面還夾雜了一些出版社其他類型故事書籍的廣告,總歸來說,對教授對外漢語的教師或是旅居國外的華裔家長們,在選擇給孩子們中文教材上面,還是挺有幫助的。書籍包括 “棕色的熊, 棕色的熊, 你在看什麼?” “好餓的毛毛蟲” “奧莉薇” 等等…