今天要介紹的中文應用程式是 — Monki 中文課!
App Friday! The app chosen for today is — Monki Chinese Class!
This colorful-looking app is designed for beginner young learners age 4 and up. The free/first level contains 8 basic characters and 2 words. For the first time, the users will have to follow the order and click on each character to start the writing exercise.
The users can follow the arrow sign to practice the correct radical order for each character. The related image and the”finger” sign appears at the end, and the interactive animation shows up by clicking on the finger sign.
After finishing the eight single character writing practice, the users get to practice the words “火山” and “口水”, where are composed of two of the previously learned characters. Similarly, the interactive animation appears at the end.
如果要繼續下一個級別,就要付費啦! 目前是2.99美金的收費。
Unlock the next level costs $2.99.
按這裡來看看 iTunes 上的介紹吧!
Click here for the App description on iTunes.